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PruveID provides a convenient way to identity verification problem using a suit of AI-based technologies. With pruveID one can quickly recognize an individual as a valid recipient or a consumer of a service. Most prominent of these are KYC services & signature verification process.


Authentication, Authorization and Verification, we cover you.

Build Custom


Create custom forms and document templates that can be used to share with the prospective clients and customer in the process of onboarding. PruveID provides interfaces for designing that is intuitive, and easy-to-use. 

Secure Sharing, Authentication & KYC Verification

While PruveID provides a convenient way to share documents and forms for on-boarding, the platform ensures that these documents reach authorised individuals they are intended to. This it does by AI-based verification models such as liveliness test and OCR. 

Realtime Client


PruveID Video assistance feature makes the forms and documents filing and submission hassle free. It provides users with the much-needed guidance necessary for “how-to” in the process of filing and information sharing, all in a real-time basis.

Portal Design & Development

"Forge a partnership with a dependable and trustworthy technology partner"

Let's connect and have a chat over a cup of coffee!

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